Categorie: mindmap
Mindjet Catalyst: TT workgroup Garden Exchange
Mindjet Catalyst: Observation
Mindjet Catalyst: House
Mindjet Catalyst: Book on PC
Mindjet Catalyst: Diploma traject
Mindjet Catalyst: PDC – netherlands
This is one of two courses i followed as a guest. In october i will observe a PDC by Aranya. From each of the couses i observed, including the PDC I followed myself, i made a very detailed report.
Mindjet Catalyst: PC guild
Lots of questions on this one. After our meeting i met a group of people who just did their PDC and joined on the Permaculture festival in september last year to think of a traject after the PDC. There was one older person, Leo Backx (56). It is Leo’s PDC i observed (the 2nd week) and added as a mindmap. Under the influence of Leo this group was thinking of a PC academy. When I met Greet, a member, of the group, in april 2010 she told me groupacitvity was down to zero. Greet and I set up a skype session joined by one other person. here i proposed the guilt structure and talked about ‘permaculture association’ for the first time. As we mailed a report the other members of the group got interested. From PC academy we got to name ourselves PC guilt.
I observed the following :
* it is difficult to work with people (who are very fresh to PC) on a national (Belgium & Netherlands) structure
* elder people who see themselves as specialists in the group are status oriented (I WE) and tend to centralize lots of attention around them
*communication goes over the net (mail) – very limiting factor
*i feel that i must be in the background – slow and small
*the newly PC people have great difficulty to understand the guilt structure. they haven ’t seen this in their PDC. they want to control quality.
*it is difficult for people to let go – people need to be in control = centralize
Things that changed
*i talk a lot of the diploma structure and about the fact that i can observe PDC ’s —> Leo says everyone can visit his PDC —> so i did !
*on his PDC we talked with the participants on ‘what after the PDC’ —> i introduced the concept of ‘action learning guilt’ —> everyone was enthousiast —> leo will organize and fascilitate this for ‘his’ group
*i gave feedback on Leo’s PDC —-> Leo descided to work out a new way to teach the PDC togheter with the action learning guilt and the PC guilt.
*i insprired others to observe courses (greet & susan will go to France in september)
*it is difficult for me to stand back and be patient
*some more that i do not think of right now.
i am thinking of sending the below map to the members of the PC guilt.
one question to you Jo : people do not know that i do the PC guilt structure as an design. I hesitate telling because some might feel threatened. I prefer letting things go their own way and interfere small en slow. Do you think it is necessary to outline the fact that i do the PC guilt as a design ?
Mindjet Catalyst: Community garden ‘samentuin’
The six members of this TT workgroup long saw me as the key figure. Three months after starting my bachelor study (september 2010) Filip took over and a key team was born. I am still part of the team and drew the design of the garden.
Mindjet Catalyst: Art
i am working on a website to show creative explosions